"We Sip the Brew We Wish to Share"
Organic Colombian CBD Coffee
Got Hempsa offers Hemp CBD Coffee
and Naked Blends Signature Roasts to the Shelf
Customers Love starting their day with
a Smooth - Organic& Low Acidity on the Gut!
Love Your cuppa morning brew BUT..
don't like the jitters and the upset belly aches? You're in the right place!
WHY - HOW COME COFFEE & CBD?.... At first, I thought “how oxymoron“!
How can CBD and coffee make sense together?!
CBD brings a calming effect on our body.
Well, coffee gives most of us the opposite, a stimulant to our body.
You might wonder, Why and how can CBD and Coffee be a good match?
Research has shown that we have a very important system in our body called the Endocannabinoid system. And their receptors take on the molecule CBD and brings a calming feeling to our body.
The “B” word - Bitterness, yuk! And high acidity that most times than not leaving our tummies feeling like it’s being ripped apart and left with that angst jittery feeling. Got Hempsa, infused Colombian coffee not only is a low acidity roast but also creates calmness and inner peace with no jittery feeling and by helping to balance the caffeine intake, leaving you with a calmer and yet focused and easy feeling to the start of a great day!
Our Mission
Our female founder came up with the name "Hempsa" coming from a combination of the Hamsa hand and the hemp plant.
We love the meaning of the Hamsa Hand, bringing together Universal Love, Healing, Protection, and Universal One-ness.
The hemp plant is also known as our Universal Plant & Together we bring One Love, One Protector, and Universal miracle.
We promise by taking pride in our products and customer service, friends and family You will always receive the highest quality of organic Colombian coffee beans and organically grown Colorado hemp. We value each and every one of you and transparency is what we bring to your table.